In this episode, Courtenay invites election integrity warrior, Patrick Byrne, to the show. This conversation takes an in-depth look at the communist takeover being...
Originally aired 5/26/23 – more You don’t want to miss it! Get your TIX NOW! us at Rebels for a C.A.U.S.E– June 3rd & 4th in Nashville, TN –...
In this episode, Courtenay invites author, speaker, and political commentator, Floyd Brown, to the show. Floyd shares profound insights from his latest book...
In this episode, Courtenay invites Dr. Clinton Ohlers to the show to discuss the mission behind SafeBlood Donation. With the rise of complications correlated with the...
Ep. 259: Welcome to the Entertainment Revolution w/ Jimmy Levy | The Courtenay Turner Podcast
In this episode, Courtenay invites season 18 American Idol contestant, Jimmy Levy, to the show. Jimmy is a #1 Charting Top 40 Singer and 15x Billboard artist. In this...
You don’t want to miss it! Get your TIX NOW! us at Rebels for a C.A.U.S.E– June 3rd & 4th in Nashville, TN –
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In this episode, Courtenay invites Editor-In-Chief of Liberty Uncensored to the show to share his opinions on parallel systems and the freedom they support. As we know...
In this episode, Courtney invites U.S. Army doctor and board-certified family physician, Dr. Samuel Sigoloff, to the show to discuss how his professional concerns...
Courtenay invites the creator of Seed Oil Scout, app used to report on cooking oils and ingredients at restaurants nationwide. They discuss various topics surrounding...
In this episode Courtenay invites former lieutenant colonel and battalion commander to discuss why he left the military with less than a year till his retirement. His is...