This week on Dangerous Dames, Dr. Lee Merritt shares with Courtenay Turner her expertise on types of warfare technology. Some might surprise you...
Category - Podcasts
Courtenay is joined by co-hosts Scott Armstrong and Ryan Cristian for the newest installment of Dialectical Dissidents. Pirate Stream Media is a new...
Courtenay invites Randy Tate to discuss his platform IFlip and everyday people can use it and empower themselves with the data and tools available to...
A deeper dive into Lucius trust. Who is Alice Bailey and what is the connection to the UN?Show more Listen weekly as Courtenay broadcasts deeper...
Dangerous Dames Dr. Lee Merritt & Courtenay Turner are back today at 5pm CST, with more truth seeking the MSM won’t touch! Today the ladies...
Courtenay travels to Vero Beach, Florida to speak at Fall Freedom Fest to discuss her liberty arts movement, C.A.U.S.E Fest and defending liberty and...