(Mirrored From @NEWSPASTEHQ on YouTube)Show more Courtenay Turner – The Changing Metaphors of Our Ever Morphing Lives Wow! What a podcast...
Category - Podcasts
Dangerous Dames Dr Lee Merritt & Courtenay Turner ring in 2024 with a discussion on the nature of reality and what is consciousness. With...
EMERGENCY BROADCAST: Gov’t Seeks To Allow Land Grabs via Stock Exchange | Courtenay Turner Radio Hour
In this week’s radio hour on the Courtenay Turner Show, we investigate and urgent topic requesting a call to action from every person who wishes to...
Courtenay Turner invites Jeanice Barcelo, a deep medical researcher to expose the deliberate violence being inflicted on incoming babies as they try...
Ep.356: Smart Cities & Techno Fascist Control of Humanity w/ Aman Jabbi | Courtenay Turner Podcast
Courtenay Turner invites Silicon Valley insider Aman Jabbi to uncover the smart city grids that are being set up now and what implications it could...
Courtenay Turner invites Kathleen Ellis from Breaking the Spells to discuss her personal health journey as a culmination of formal education in...