In this episode Courtenay invites investigative journalist, George Webb, back to the show. In part one of this conversation, the duo dives into the variety of...
In this episode, Courtenay invites Tiffany Boyd to the show. Tiffany is the founder of Free Your Children, which was initiated in 2020 to share the truth about education...
In this episode, Courtenay invites Dr. Kirk Moore to the show. Dr. Kirk and his staff have been indicted for standing against the government’s COVID vaccine mandates...
DID THE “BETHESDA BOYS” DOWNPLAY A LAB LEAK? Following the select subcommittee hearing on the coronavirus pandemic, the government posted a 55 page report...
Ep. 285: Toxic Exposure & The Monsanto Trials w/ Dr. Chadi Nabhan | The Courtenay Turner Podcast
In this episode Courtenay invites to the show medical oncologist, author, and award-winning podcast host, Dr. Chadi Nabhan. Dr. Chadi was an expert witness in the first...
In this episode, Courtenay invites Chase (aka The Patriot Punk) to the show. After courageously standing up to tyranny during the Covid-19 lockdowns and being fired...
In this episode Courtenay invites the founder of Make Honey Great Again, Todd Gerhart, to the show. Todd shares how the honey movement was inspired from the desire to...
In this episode Courtenay invites co-founder of CAMPO Beauty, Jessica Frandson, to the show to talk about the powerful benefits of essential oils. Jessica is passionate...
Ep. 281: Cultivating Self Directed Learning w/ Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan | The Courtenay Turner Podcast
In this episode, Courtenay invites Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan back to the show to discuss intuitive, child-led educational practices that promote independence and...
Ep. 280: The Declaration of Independence Project w/ Greg Strause | The Courtenay Turner Podcast
In this episode, Courtenay invites Greg Strause to the show. Greg is a successful, award-winning visual effects artist, director, and producer. He is also the initiator...