In this episode, Courtenay invites certified advocate for SRA survivors, Cindy Metcalf, to the show. Cindy shares the heartbreaking stories she’s encountered while...
In this episode, Courtenay invites bestselling author, speaker, and award-winning health & vitality coach, Neil Cannon, to the show. For the better part of Neil’s...
Ep. 214: Beware of The America First Organization w/ Rachel Wilson | The Courtenay Turner Podcast
In this episode, Courtenay invites author and writer, Rachel Wilson, back to the show for a conclusive conversation about the origins of the America First organization...
In this episode, Courtenay welcomes Mark Gober back to the show to discuss his newest book An End to the Upside Down Reset: The Leftist Vision for Society Under the...
In this episode, Courtenay welcomes Brent Hamachek to the show to discuss ‘cultist personality’, the unfolding of CBDC, our fight for freedom, and most importantly the...
In this episode, Courtenay invites Scott Nelson and Kyle McGahey to the show to talk about their journey in starting Artisan Health a little over a year ago. At Artisan...
EP 208: Saving America from Global Governance w/ Marc Malone | The Courtenay Turner Podcast
In this episode Courtenay invites founder of America21, Marc Malone, to the show. America21 was established in 2021 as the antithesis of Agenda 21 – the Global...
In this episode, Courtenay invites podcaster, author, speaker, and SRA survivor, Lisa Meister, to the show. In this deeply insightful conversation, Lisa shares her story...
(NOTICE: *PG-13* for strong language) In this episode, Courtenay invites Nobel Prize nominee, Dr. Ben Marble, to the show to share his inspiration behind starting My...
In this episode, Courtenay invites Loy Brunson to the show to discuss the petition he and his brothers presented to The Supreme Court. All government officials are sworn...