Lynne Taylor aka The Common Core Diva joins Courtenay Turner to unveil the dark truth behind GATE and other gifted, talented education programs...
Category - Podcasts
Courtenay Turner invites Lisa Logan to discuss the sinister agendas behind education and how that led her to discovery of a theosophical cult that...
The Dangerous Dames return this week to discuss the aurora anomalies and the recent dip as far south as the Sunshine State. And the speculations of...
Courtenay Turner joins Jason Bermas on TNT radio for a discussion on the current statistics reporting decline in IQ and what might be driving those...
Courtenay Turner Classic | Ep 7: What Is Fascism? : Is ANTIFA Really Anti-Fascist? w/ Tom Phillips
Settle in and enjoy this flashback to what comparatively could be called simpler times, February 2021. 😅Show more In Episode 7 of The Courtenay...
Jen VanDeWater returns to the Courtenay Turner podcast to discuss opting out of the big pharma model and taking personal ownership of health. As a...